PhD position - Drosophila as model to study bioavailability and host-microbe interaction Austria Student In the Blank-Landeshammer lab
Principal Scientist, Modelorg Antibody Discovery and Engineering United States Technician In the Smith lab
Postdoc position available - metabolism in the Drosophila testis United Kingdom Postdoc In the Amoyel lab
Fully funded PhD - Oxford Brookes University - Using Drosophila to Uncover the Functions of Genetic Variants Linked to Human Disease United Kingdom Student In the Jennings lab
A fully funded BBSRC PhD on Drosophila circadian rhythms and ageing (Hodge Lab, Bristol University UK) United Kingdom Student In the Hodge lab
Postdoctoral Fellow in Host-Microbiome Interactions, Storelli Lab - Centre for Organismal Studies (COS), Heidelberg University, Germany Germany Postdoc In the Storelli lab
Funded PhD studentship: Evolutionary mechanisms underlying differences in the innate immune response to infection United Kingdom Student In the Hanson lab