Welcome to the European Drosophila Society

The web site contains an interactive map of European fly labs and provides a FREE notice board for advertising job openings in Drosophila labs in Europe and news/events.

Neurofly 2024 will take place in Birmingham 2-6 September 2024.

35th French Drosophila Meeting will be in Sète, 14-17 October 2024.

The next European Drosophila Research Conference will be in Alicante, 25-28 September 2025. Look out for details soon!

We are grateful to our sponsors.

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Featured News

20th Biennial European Drosophila Neurobiology Conference, University of Birmingham, UK, September 2nd - 6th 2024

Neurofly 2024 will allow the opportunity for researchers from across the globe to meet to discuss their latest… Read More

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Latest News

The Swiss Drosophila Meeting 2024 takes place on Thursday June 20th at the Universit

The Toulouse fly community is pleased to announce the