PhD: adaptation to undernutrition, U. Lausanne, Switzerland
A PhD position is available in Tadeusz Kawecki's lab at the Department of Ecology and Evolution, University of Lausanne, Switzerland ( We are looking for a qualified candidate motivated for research at the interface of experimental evolution, genetics and molecular biology. The student will work in the framework of a larger project aiming to understand the mechanisms underlying improved tolerance to larval undernutrition generated through long-term experimental evolution in Drosophila melanogaster. At least initially, the project will focus on testing the role of a candidate gene involved in ecdysone metabolism in mediating growth responses to nutrition. It will involve a combination of organismal physiological and life history assays with molecular and genetic approaches (LC/MS, CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing, RNAi, enzyme activity rate etc.). For more background on the project see, and
The candidate must have a master's degree in biology, at least basis experience in molecular lab, solid understanding of statistics and experimental design, and aptitude for laboratory research. Some experience with experimental work with Drosophila or other insects would be a plus. No-preexisting knowledge of French is required (research-related discussions, seminars etc. and part of teaching are in English) but learning basic French would make living in Lausanne more enjoyable. The job involves some teaching assistantship, but 85% of work time is devoted to thesis work.
With 16 research groups and about 50 PhD students, and with members from over 30 nationalities, the Department of Ecology and Evolution is a diverse and dynamic academic environment. It shares the campus and multiple collaborations with several other departments, including Computational Biology, Fundamental Microbiology and Integrative Genomics. Lausanne is a medium-sized city on the shores of Lake Geneva, surrounded by a wine growing region recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and within one hour of the Alps. It offers a great variety of cultural, recreational and outdoor opportunities.
Expected start date ideally between June and September 2024. The initial contract is for 1 year, renewable for a maximum of 4 years in total. Â Annual gross salary starting at CHF 47,699.- per year plus CHF 9,100 supplement for teaching assistantship.Â
With 16 research groups and about 50 PhD students, and with members from over 30 nationalities, the Department of Ecology and Evolution is a diverse and dynamic academic environment. It shares the campus and multiple collaborations with several other departments, including Computational Biology, Fundamental Microbiology and Integrative Genomics. Lausanne is a medium-sized city on the shores of Lake Geneva, surrounded by a wine growing region recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and within one hour of the Alps. It offers a great variety of cultural, recreational and outdoor opportunities.
For further information about the position please contact Tadeusz Kawecki <>.
Application documents must be submitted online through the University of Lausanne recruitment platform, which also contains the legally binding description of the job:
(sorry, the platform is a bit complicated).Â
Applications should include:
- a cover letter detailing your research interests, experience and motivation for applying
- CV
- a summary of your master project (and other relevant research projects)
- a copy of your Masters diploma/certificate (if you haven't yet finished your Masters indicate the expected date)
- the names and contact details of 2-3 referees.
Review of applications will begin on April 15 and will continue until a suitable candidate is found.
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